
Wednesday, 24 November 2010


I WANNA LIVE WITH HARIS! its more comfortable. everybody around me becoming crazy. i wanna go out from the reality. gosh baby please take me away. i just need somebody to sleep every night with and who can hug and kiss my cheeks every morning and say i love you. GOD IM STRESSED OUT GOD HELP ME PLEASE… by bringing my haris back pleaseeee...........

Long distance relationship? WHY NOT !

Is anyone having a long distance relationship? Well these are some tips i found in the internet.

Yaaaa pertama tama harus saling commitment, pacaran long distance itu banyak gangguan nya! Percaya ma gue, banyak ce gatel yang bakal godain co lo maupun co kurang ajar yang gangguin ce lo. haha

Agree on an end?
Yup, harus sepakat kapan long distance nya bakal berakhir. Kapan kalian bakal bisa ketemu lagi! 1 year? or 6 months? Kalo ga tau kapan berakhir nya, ya parah banget. Ntar pacar nya bisa frustasi -__-

Schedule communication!
Communication is very important! Komunikasi harus lebih banyak kalo pacaran jarak jauh. Topik pembicaraan juga harus seru, biar pacaran nya ga bosen. Try using webcam, it's a really good way to communicate!

Raise your trust level!
Harus saling percaya, ga boleh bentar bentar curiga sama pacar! Yaaa emang kadang kadang kita suka jealous liat pacar deket sama orang lain, but maybe orang itu cuma temen kan? Kalo ntar marah marah terus, si pacar bisa ga betah kali pacaran ma lo haha. Tapi emang susaaaaaah bener nahan emosi kalo ada begituan, apa lagi buat orang kaya gue yang cepet jealous -___-

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Hallo bloggy :) longtime no write ya. how are you dear ?
maaf yah blog sayang, aku baru sempet nulis lagi. soalnya baru ada waktu banget :)
pertama-tama gue ucapin terimakasih banget sama ALLAH SWT, karena sampai saat ini gue udah diberikan kesehatan. gue juga mau ngucapin makasi makasi banget buat pacar gue HARIS HUTAGALUNG yang slalu buat gue semangat, slalu buat gue seneng, selalu hibur gue....... thanks baby :* (smoooch) dan selanjutnya gue berterima kasih banget sama semua temen temen gue yang slalu ada buat gue :P (BIGHUG).....
Ya tuhan............... gue sangat sangat beruntung punya pacar Haris Hutagalung. Dia sosok pria yang menurut gue perfect ( ya walaupun di dunia ini ga ada yang sempurna) tapi serius........... di mata gue dia bener bener sempurna :) bukaan karna fisiknya, tapi karna sifatnya, kebaikannya.....itu yang membuat gue yakin seyakin yakinnya kalo dia itu sempurna :)
Tanggal 28 nanti aku 4 bulan loh sama harisku sayang :3. aku seneng ayaaang bisa jadi pacar kamu, aku seneeeng kamu udh kasih kesempatan aku lagi. Makasi ya Tuhaaan
udaah dikasih seseorang yang seperti haris :3
Sekali lagi makasih ya tuhaaaaaan. makasi haaaaaris. makasi banget semuanyaaa <3

ireneharis <3

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Forget his name, forget his face
Forget his kiss , his warm embrace
Forget the love that once came true
Remember now there’s someone new,

Forget the love that you once shared
Forget the face that had once cared
Forget the time you spent together
Remember now he’s gone forever,

Forget you cried the whole night through
Forget him when they play your song
Forget how close you two once were
Remember now he’s chosen her,

Forget how you memorized his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the times when he was mad
Remember, he’s happy instead of sad,

Forget his teasing, gentle ways
Forget you saw him everyday
Forget he made your dreams come true
Remember now she loves him too,

Forget the thrill when he walked by
Forget him when he made you cry
Forget the way he spoke your name
Remember now he’s not the same,

Forget the way he said he loved you
Forget the way he kissed and hugged you
Forget those nights he held you tight
Remember now he holds her tonight,

Forget all those sunny days
Forget all those poems he made
Forget those times through good and bad
Remember he said he’d never make you sad,

Forget the games he played with you
Forget the times he stayed with you
Forget those cold, cold nights
Remember now he keeps her warm tonight,

Forget the way he used to look
Forget the loving you once took
Forget the times he made you sad
Remember now she makes him glad

Forget his laugh, forget his smile
Forget you loved him quite awhile
Forget the nights he walked you home
Remember now, you walk alone

Forget his laugh, forget his grin
Forget the dimples on his chin
Forget before those sweet ba-bye’s
Remember now its real goodbye

Forget the way he looked at you
Forget you kiss the whole night through
Forget the way he loved you so
Forget him now, for he has forgotten you.