Thursday, 21 October 2010
i love her so much :)
HUUUPS. i dont know why i very like katy perry's style. i think she always provide inspiration in fashion. she's beautiful, right ?
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
For every teardrops

There’s a man longs to know the real meaning of life
Not everything that he does is good
sometimes he fails, sometimes he bails
but not once he shed a tear
He’s got a stable job, a good family, and all around friendship
he keeps doing drugs, getting drunk and gets in fight every week
but none of those make him shed a tear
until his job is in jeopardy and he will get possibly fired
now he feels hopeless, depressed and helpless
teardrops start to follow him everywhere he goes
There’s a woman who dedicates almost all her time to work
40 hours in a week doesn’t seem enough for her
sometimes she works 12 hours a day
But even with this commitment, her job is still in jeopardy
3 unsatisfied bosses kept pressuring her
Until she gets heart attack from all those pressures
she’s a devoted woman, a praying disciple, and a true worshipper
but why is she in jeopardy like this?
now she feels dejected, fragile, and abandoned
teardrops start to fall down everywhere she goes
—But know these my children
that God is watching us over
He’s not blind, He’s loving and He’s always on time
all the teardrops that follow you anywhere you go
will be wiped away with his Mighty hand
for every one tear drop that you shed
will be replaced by a million of blessings and joy from Him
A preacher and his wife has devoted all their time
for spreading the gospel and building churches
Their 2 daughters are always dedicated in the ministry
life revolves around worshipping, teaching, and bible studying
From the outside, life seems perfect and pure
but it doesn’t always be that way
One daughter is living the life of a liar and a cheater
The other worships for herself, not for god
The preacher and his wife feel agitated, embarrassed and defeated
Now teardrops follow them everywhere they go
A girl just transferred into a new environment
New school, new friends, new surroundings
But life doesn’t seem to return her favor
Grades going down
no new friendship
pressures from other people
rocks in her way
She’s got nowhere to go and start to giving up
feeling depressed, down, and discouraged
Now teardrops follow her everywhere she goes
— and like I said before
God is not blind, He’s loving and full of blessings
the life that you living right now probably doesn’t seem right
but that’s what He would call a blessing in disguise
because for every one tear drop that you shed
will be replaced by millions of blessings and joy from Him
So never give up my friends, never say never, and always know that God is seriously not blind. Whether you’re gonna get lay off, or you’re living a life that you don’t want to, or you’re in financial crisis, i don’t know what problems you are having right now, just remember He knows. All these craps that you’re experiencing right now, is actually a blessing. They’re just in disguise now, and that’s why you feel that they’re painful and hurtful. Don’t worry about it.
Keep on praying.Keep on worshipping His holy name.
And after a while, you will be able to say
…..”that was one hella BIG BLESSING IN DISGUISE”
:] God bless us all
with ♥ irene

Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into...
You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay..
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Tujuh Titik Dua Lima

Aku tulis ini karna kamu udah terlalu bodoh, Sha ! Kebodohan kamu bahkan lebih idiot kelas kakap sekalipun. Seperti kamu tidak punya IQ di atas 135 saja. Seperti kamu tidak punya predikat bintang kelas saja. Seperti kamu bukan cewek most populas, important and smart se- Antreo SMA kamu saja. Tapi kenapa lagi lagi kamu lakukan hal hal bodoh buat pangeran tampan otak udang itu ? Lagi lagi mempermalukan diri kamu sendiri untuk cowok dungu yang tidak bisa sedikitpun ‘MEMANDANG’ kamu.Padahal cowok cowok lain yang lebih darinya, juga bisa dengan mudahnya kamu dapatkan. Sekarang coba liat kebodohan yang kamu buat karna dia.
Hal terbodoh pertama adalah kamu duduk tepat di bangku belakangnya. Kamu tau tidak ? Dengan sekelas dengannya saja sudah merupakan kebodohan terbesar. Okelah, memang bukan kamu yang menentukkan akan sekelas dengannyaatau tidak. Tapi itu harapan kamu, kan ? Itu doa kamu saat pembagian kelas, kan ? Lalu ketika kamu duduk di belakangnya, mata kamu, telinga kamu, berserta seluruh badan kamu tertuju padanya. Senyum senyum sendiri melihat tingkahnya. Juga kut tertawa karena canda yang di tunjukkannya kepada teman temannya, BUKAN KAMU . Dan kamu bukan sama sekali bagian dari temannya.
Dengan polos, lugu, bodoh atau tololnya , kamu menuruti kemauannya. Meskipun dia datang padamu hanya saat butuh saja. Tapi kamu, dengan senyum sumringah tetap melakukan apa yang dia suruh dengan ejuta harapan dia bisa lebih dekat lagi denganmu. Tidak segan segan kamu contekin dia, ngerjain PR-nya, bahkan menyalikan catatan dia mengikuti gaya tulisan yang miring italic sampai tangan kamu keriting.
Bahkan kamu sempai bela belain mencari informasi tentang idolanya,band beraliran japanese rock itu. Sampai kamu ikut fans clubnya, agar kamu tahu shcedule perform band tersebut, hanya supaya kamu menginformasikan kedia. Belum lagi usaha kamu untuk nyari sovenir mereka yang langka. Belum termaksud usaha kamu memaksakan untuk suka band itu, padahal kamu tidak pernah suka aliran musik keras seperti itu.
Kamu ingat tidak ? Saat di sakit, sampai hampir seminggu tidak masuk. Dengan polosnya kamu telepon dia. Dengan nama samaran pula. Karna kamu tahu JELAS dia tidak akan mengangkat telepon darimu. Hanya agar kamu tahu keadaannya, karna sampai kapanpun kamu tidak pernah di izinkan menjenguknya. Ya ampuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, setan bodoh macam apa yang merasuki kamu ? hah ? !
Kamu, Shasha Deltiana Pinkan , sekarang sudah benar benar dikenal ceweknya atau lebih tepatnya cewek yang mengejar ngejar seorang Ega Denino Septian. Kamu tersihir sampai kehilangan asal sehat dan kesadaranmu. Bahkan ketika muncul surat cinta untuknya, kamulah yang di lirik sebagai terangka pengirim surat cinta. Tapi kamu dengan rasa tidak bersalah malah teriak “ Bukan gue ! Bukan gue !” Asal kamu tau Shasha Deltiana Pinkan, teriakanmu itu malah membuat semua orang semakin yakin kamulah si pengirim surat cinta itu.
Sudah tau keadaannya semakin terpojok, kamu masih saja kekeuh dengan segala daya usaha dan semangat juangmu yang tinggi. Kamu masih saha ngikutin tiap kehidupan dia. Masih saja datang ke tiap pertandingan futsalnya, untuk support dia, bahkan sampai bawain makanan serta minuman untuk dia dan timnya. OTAK KAMU DIMANA SIH SHA ?
Tidak kah kamu sadar dari ke 7 kebodohmu ada 5 kepintaran dia, sepintar-pintarnyaotak udang, yang membuktikan bahwa kamu bodoh. Bahwa dia sama sekali enggak merespon kamu. Bahkan harapan-harapan kamu terhadapnya benar benar berlebihan.
1. Dia selalu cuekin kamu abis – abisan
2. Dia selalu menjelek- jelakan kamu dan membandingkan kamu dengan cewek lain
3. Dia enggak pernah menyapa kamu, kecuali kamu sedang bareng temen kamu, itupun temen temen kamu yang ia sapa bukan kamu.
4. Dia akan pindah kelompok kalo tau dia akan satu kelompok dengan kamu.
5. Dia enggak sadar atau minimal pura pura tidak sadar bahwa setiap harinya, kamu dengan harapan yang sama menunggunya sampai ia benar benar pulang.
“Sha, mau pulang bareng, enggak ? “tanyanya lagi dengan sederhana. Tapi kamu memikirkannya terlalu rumit. Dan dengan bodohnya kamu semakin menonjolkan kebodohanmu dengan menganggap ini adalah suatu mimpi yang yak jadi kenyataan. Ayolah, memang siapa dia sampai sampai kamu tak berhak menjadikannya kenyataan. Sampai sampai kamu kebingunganbegitu untuk memutuskannya. Mimpimu yang seperti ini, tidak akan kamu alami dua kali. Sekarang keputusan dia ada di tanganmu, bukan di tangan dia atau siapapun. Hanya ada 2 pilihan: mau atau tidak. Yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan 2 kesimpulan : kamu mau menambah 7 kebodohanmu atau menambah 5 kepintaran dia. Atau kamu mau bertingkah sedikit pintar dengan memikirkan apa yang menyebabkan ia tiba tiba mengubrismu. Dikenyataan sekalipun . Lalu kamu menutup catatan kebodohan ini dengan bodohnya menghentikan tulisan tulisan bodohmu yang semakin membodoh- bodoh kan aku. “Tentu” jawaban dengan senyum bahagia yang sekaligus menambah daftar daftar kebodohan kita. Karena aku dan kamu sama sama mencintai pangeran tampan otak udang itu dengan bodohnya.
Irene .baten

Sunday, 17 October 2010

"Ocha benci Adit! Meskipun cowok itu idola cewek satu sekolah, bagi Ocha, Adit nggak lebih dari sekadar perusak image dan pembawa sial. Sejak kenal Adit, Ocha berevolusi jadi cewek cengeng, malu-maluin, suka bohong, dan doyan melet. Pokoknya Ocha benci Adit. Titik. Tuhan seperti memberikan jalan untuk membalas dendam ketika tanpa sengaja Ocha menemukan apa yang bakal dianggap harta karun oleh cewek-cewek di sekolahnya: nomor handphone Adit, yang katanya susaaaah banget dicari tahu itu. Awalnya Ocha berencana menjual informasi nomor handphone Adit ke teman-temannya. Karena nggak tega, akhirnya Ocha cuma ngisengin Adit lewat SMS dengan nama samaran Ayu. Tapi bukannya sukses balas dendam, Ocha malah jadi tambah pusing. Soalnya kebohongan kecil yang dia ciptakan itu menimbulkan masalah-masalah baru. Misalnya saat Adit ternyata naksir Ayu!"
TUHAN ! apa yang haruss irene lakukan ? apa Tuhan ? dan sekarang gue bener bener terjebak di kondisi kaya gini. apa sosok pinkan harus menghilang ? tapi, gue enggak tega sama dia ! disisi lain gue ga bisa lama lama bohong kaya gini. enggak bisa, semuanya pasti bakal terbongkar !
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Why I hate my period.
2. It’s never on schedule and I’ve had it for almost 3 years.
3. No masturbating or sex unless you want bloody fingers/penis.
4. Must wear dark pants because it might leak.
5. It smells like fucking fish.
6. After taking a shower, you can’t wipe your vagina with your towel because the blood will stain it so you have to put your underwear right away without drying it and it feels all weird.
8. Waste of my good panties from the Philippines.
9. You can feel it flow when you sneeze, cough, laugh, jump, stand, ANYTHING.
10. I have to sleep in some awkward ass position so the blood won’t stain my sheets.
11. I always have to change my sheets because the blood.
12. I don’t even like the color red.
13. Your pee is red not yellow anymore.
15. Mood swings but a lot of girls don’t even get mood swings. They just use that as an excuse to be a bitch.
16. I cry 2x more than I usually do when on my period.
17. Must change your pad every other hour.
18. Must carry extra pads.
19. I’m usually more hungry than usual.
tell me about it -_-
this explains it perfectly. YES.
perfect explanation!
why guys love girls

with love
Marion St. Claire: “It was quite a wedding and as I stood there watching I realized something I’d forgotten a long time ago. Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there’s also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who’s been standing beside you all along.” <3>why guys love girls
1.The way they always smell good even if it’s just shampoo
2.The way they always find the right spot on our shoulder
3.How cute they look when they sleep
4.The ease in which they fit into our arms
5.The way they kiss you and make everything alright in the world
6.How cute they are when they eat
7.The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end its all worth while
8.The way they are always warm even if its minus 30 degrees
9.The way they look good no matter what they wear
10.The way she fishes for compliments even though you both know shes the most beautiful thing on this earth cute they are when they argue
12.How their hand always seems to find ours
13.The way they smile
14.The way you feel when you see her name on the caller id after you’ve had a big fight
15.The way she says “lets not fight anymore” even though you know an hour later…
16.The way they kiss you when youve done something nice for her
17.The way they kiss you when you say”i love you”
18.Actually.. just the way they kiss you
19.The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20.Then apologizing for crying over something that silly
21.The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22.Then the way they apologize when it really does hurt (even though we dont admit it!)
23.The way they say “I miss you”
24.The way you miss them
25.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesnt hurt her anymore…Yet regardless whether you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them… it matters not.Because once in your life whatever they were to the world they become the world to you.When you look them in the eyes traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without a trace of sound you know that your own life is inevitably consumed with the rhythmic beatings of her very own heart. We love them for a million reasons, no paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of a mind, but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

I want to wake up like this.
Have you ever had that feeling where you wake up and you see the person next to you still sleeping? You smile because they look so funny when they sleep but, you also smile knowing that they’re there. You wake them up, you seem them dazed, they smile. You hold their hands for comfort, it’s cold, you give them a hug and the rest is history. The true love was there and it was alive and well.
She asked him, “why did you stay the whole night?” he replied with “You asked me the night before if I’ll still love you in the morning, that this wasn’t a one night stand, I wanted to wake up next to you because I can really us doing this ever morning” “I’ll love you at night, I’ll love you in the morning, fuck, I’ll even love you in the afternoon. I overall love you with all my heart” She smiled. Her heart melted. The sound of his voice made her heart beat. They lay there arm in arm, her head resting upon his chest right above his heart.It was beating so she knew his love was true.
omfg… <3
awwwwuhs (:
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
50 Best Things in Life
- Falling in love.
- Laughing so hard your face hurts.
- A hot shower.
- No lines at the Super Wal-Mart.
- A special glance.
- Getting mail.
- Taking a drive on a pretty road.
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
- Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
- Hot towels out of the dryer.
- Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
- Chocolate milkshake.
- A long distance phone call.
- A bubble bath.
- Giggling.
- A good conversation.
- The beach.
- Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.
- Laughing at yourself.
- Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
- Running through sprinklers.
- Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
- Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
- Laughing at an inside joke.
- Friends.
- Falling in love for the first time.
- Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
- Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
- Your first kiss.
- Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
- Playing with a new puppy.
- Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping.
- Having someone play with your hair.
- Sweet dreams.
- Hot chocolate.
- Road trips with friends.
- Swinging on swings.
- Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
- Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking eggnog.
- Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
- Going to a really good concert.
- Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
- Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
- Winning a really competitive game.
- Making chocolate chip cookies!
- Having your friends send you homemade cookies!
- Spending time with close friends!
- Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
- Holding hands with someone you care about.
- Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
i dont feel right when you're gone away with her :'(
Gy, masih inget kan tentang ? kalian tau enggak ? Waktu terakhir latihan LDKS, ternyata dia jadian sama kakak kelas ! loh kok gitu ? jadi selama ini lo hanya kasih harapan kosong gitu ? heh sampaaaah !! kenapa sih lo kasi harapan kosong ?
gue udah terlau sakit sama semua kebohongan lo ?
seandainya lo jadi gue, lo akan tau seberapa sakitnya gue tau ini semua.
Hey , gue enggak minta banyak ! gue cuma mau lo sadar, lo hargai orang yang udah sayang sama lo. Dan please lo jangan terlalu kasih harapan ke orang ! gue takut lo kena karma.
Tapi kalo di inget inget lagi pertama kali kita ketemu, perama kalo lo senyum ke gue ! dan lo sering senyum ke gue, gue jadi luluh dan hilang semua rasa kesel gue ke lo. ayo ireneeeeeeeeee ! lo harus MOVE ON ! buat apa nunggu hal yang enggak pasti !
lo harus yakin pasti ada seseorang yang lebih baik dari dia :')
I'm confused
very confused
I love him
yes , really love him
he now changed
far from what I want
after me and him back together again
he be easy to say the phrase "separation"
I'm sad
I hate this kind b****
what I'm feeling this, right?
I really really just love him
I do not want to lose b****
I do not want to see other women with b****
What I'm selfish?
no or yes?
Jika seorang wanita menangis dihadapanmu,
Itu berarti dia tak dapat menahannya lagi.
Jika kamu memegang tangannya saat dia menangis,
Dia akan tinggal bersamamu sepanjang hidupmu.
Jika kamu membiarkannya pergi,
Dia tidak akan pernah kembali lagi menjadi dirinya yang dulu.
Seorang wanita tidak akan menangis dengan mudah,
Kecuali didepan orang yang amat dia sayangi.
Dia menjadi lemah.
Seorang wanita tidak akan menangis dengan mudah,
Hanya jika dia sangat menyayangimu,
Dia akan menurunkan rasa egoisnya.
Lelaki, jika seorang wanita pernah menangis karena mu,
Tolong pegang tangannya dengan pengertian.
Dia adalah orang yang akan tetap bersamamu sepanjang hidupmu.
Lelaki, jika seorang wanita menangis karenamu.
Tolong jangan menyia-nyiakannya.
Mungkin karena keputusanmu, kau merusak kehidupannya.
Saat dia menangis didepanmu,
Saat dia menangis karnamu,
Lihatlah matanya….
Dapatkah kau lihat dan rasakan sakit yang dirasakannya?
Wanita mana lagikah yang akan menangis
dengan murni, penuh rasa sayang,
Didepanmu dan karenamu……
Dia menangis bukan karena dia lemah
Dia menangis bukan karena dia menginginkan simpati atau rasa kasihan
Dia menangis,
Karena menangis dengan diam-diam tidaklah memungkinkan lagi.
Pikirkanlah tentang hal itu
Jika seorang wanita menangisi hatinya untukmu,
Dan semuanya karena dirimu.
Inilah waktunya untuk melihat apa yang telah
Hanya kau yang tahu jawabannya….
Karena suatu hari nanti
Mungkin akan terlambat untuk menyesal,
Mungkin akan terlambat untuk bilang ‘MAAF’!!
People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did
But people will not forget, How you made them feel
yeah gue sebuah situs yang mengatakan
"janganlah menangis kerana cinta tak berbalas mungkin dia bukanlah jodoh yang telah ditetapkan."

I will be a strong woman
I will not cry when my boyfriend left me
That this has nothing to do with you
It’s personal: myself and I
We’ve got some straightenin’ out to do
And I’m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I’ve got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don’t cry
I dont know what happiness is and how. now i knew one thing there's no more happiness for me.
They dont know
They dont care
I know they such a backstabber
I know they didnt like me
What can i do?
I need them
I love them but i hate the way they treat me
Patience is the key, just try to keep smiling everyday everytime. i try to be a tough girl:')
I don't know what i feel ya, i feeling so weird when i see your facebook. i can't lie that i miss you so much, but why i must feel this way now?i'm so stupid girl. now, you have totally forget me. i'm not regret about it, i just can't accept it now. may i still miss you if you have already a girlfriend?maybe yes. just as bestfriend ofcourse. maybe you never miss me again since you found your new love. honestly, i really happy for that but the happiness come from my deepest heart. not from my feel because i started losing you. hm it's not mean to be i still loving you but just remember you. our old memories played on my mind, don't be misunderstanding okay.
I have lovedand I have lost, I have turned, and I have tossed, I have listened, and I have watched. I've gave into this for long enough, I have lost, and I have loved. Sleep has stolen far too much. So don't close your eyes, not just yet. Sleep is just a cousin of death
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.If you think you're alive then you're better off dead. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you think you're alive then you're better off. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you think you're alive then you're better off deadI've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you think you're alive then you're better off dead. I can promise you one thing, death will take us all
I can promise you one thing, you will die alone. Death is a promise,
Terlarang untuk diingat, takut untuk dilupakan, sungguh sulit menjalaninya.
That's why gue setuju banget sama apa yang dibilang (alm) Antoine de Saint-Exupery di salah satu novelnya yang berjudul "The Little Prince" atau yang dalam bahasa aslinya "Le Petite Prince" (Perancis).
"Karena apa yang penting, tidaklah terlihat"
Hell yeah, aku benar-benar merasakan yang namanya kehilangan, kehilangan siapa ? tentunya kehilangan orang yang aku sayangi, jujur saja aku memang ngga menyayanginya tapi aku suka sama dia, sebulan kita dekat, dia hampIr saja membuatku lupa akan mantanku itu, tapi sekarang ? dua minggu kita dan itu membuatku benar-benar rapuh.
How I wish my brain works like a computer. Press F1 and you’ll get a step by step instruction of how to deal with your problems.
I don’t need encouragement, I need someone to show me the way.
Am I oke? Am I will be fine? Be strong, maybe?
hey you mr. complete package, I know you are there out there. waiting for the right time for me. I've got a sense of "yes, you are the person I was looking over the years". that "click" it just happened and never happened to anyone other than
I know you are aware of us, but we do not have the courage to risking our comfortable relationship and i beg you to not search anyone anymore soon, because we both know who we're looking for and my feelings never change for you.
:ps: if you read this someday, please tell me
Saturday, 2 October 2010
being crazy lately
In front of the person you LOVE, your heart beats faster
but in front of the person you LIKE,you get happy.
In front of the person you LOVE,winter seems like spring
but in front of the person you LIKE,winter is just beautiful winter.
If you look into the eyes of the one you LOVE, you blush
but if you look into the eyes you LIKE, you smile.
In front of the person you LOVE, you can’t say everything on your mind
but in front of the person you LIKE,you can even say wats on his mind
In front of the person you LOVE, you tend to get shy
but in front of the person you LIKE,you can show your ownself.
You can’t look straight into the eyes of the one you LOVE
but you can always smile into the eyes of the one you LIKE.
When the one you LOVE is crying, you cry with them
but when the one you LIKE is crying,you end up comforting.
The feeling of LOVE starts from the eye
but the feeling of LIKE starts from the ear.
So if you stop liking a person you used to LIKE
all you need to do is cover your ears
But if you try to close your eyes
LOVE turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever
I know I'm not that valuable in your life
I know we will never be able to laugh and joke together again
I know that our relationship had broken
but why do you always be the one for me?
why are you always so valuable in life?
why do I always hoped we could be like it used to be?
together, laughing, joking, spend time like that
that's what I expect. JUST THAT!
now, I can only weep, wasting away my tears just for you!
yes, I know
I was nothing in your life
I know, now you makes my heart open
your my only hope
I know you would never know about these feelings
because I was afraid, if I tell you later about these feelings to you, then you will stay away from me
I don't want it all happen
with the vengeful feelings may be enough
I just want to be your friend, perhaps more than that
but it is not possible, because I was afraid of losing you
I love you not as a friend
I really admire about you
I was afraid to expect more
but my dream, I hope you know about these feelings and you responded to my heart much more happy than this.